Production on Kyle Thomas’ new film The Post is now underway! This film tells the story of Bob, an RCMP officer stationed in rural Alberta during World War II as he struggles to nurture a… (READ MORE)
Cameron Macgowan’s new film Black Hills (2012) has been selected for the Alberta Spirit Gala at the Calgary International Film Festival in September! Black Hills, Macgowan’s first film as a director with North Country Cinema,… (READ MORE)
Kyle’s 2011 film Not Far From The Abattoir has been selected for the 14th edition of Prairie Tales, a touring program of new work by Alberta film and video artists. Prairie Tales is co-produced by… (READ MORE)
Kyle’s film Ghost Town was a staple of the Telegrams Cinema Tour back in 2008, before playing film festivals through 2009. This experimental documentary focuses on the effects of the collapsed coal mining industry on… (READ MORE)